Here are six easy ways to winterize your golf game so you can hit the ground running next spring.
Chip & Putt – at home, the office, and the course. Short-game “feel” is often the hardest skill to recapture after a layoff. Work on 6-foot and 30-foot putts, chipping from 1-3 yards off the green, and pitching from 15 to 20 yards to stay sharp.
Fitness. Get on a regular program to improve your golf-specific fitness, particularly your flexibility and balance. You know you need to do it anyway.
Review the basics of GASP (Grip, Alignment, Stance, Posture). It’s how Jack Nicklaus started every season, and if it was good enough for him, well … While you are at it, write out and refine your pre-shot routine and include that as part of your “basics.” You’ll see a big improvement in your consistency.
Work on Swing Changes. The Tour pros make all their swing changes during the off-season. They don’t want to be fighting the uncertainty that comes with making swing changes during season, and neither should you. In particular, get out your training aids to enhance your feedback and accelerate the change process. If you are looking for great training aids, visit our website.
Check your equipment. Take your clubs in and check them for loft, lie, and swing weight, and put new grips on them. If you are going to be investing in new equipment, now is the time to do it. Prices are at their best, and having your new equipment now will give you time to become familiar with it over the next few months so you don’t have any questions when the season begins.
Invest in Instruction and Coaching. Your coach can help you put together a game plan that will keep you focused on mastering your top priorities that will improve your game the most. They’ll help you with drills and with putting together a complete training plan so that you are maximizing your time on the range.
For all of these tips find ways to a little in each area, but to do them consistently. When the season kicks off next year you’ll already be in the swing of things.