Proper leverage is what provides the power to generate speed. The power in your golf swing should be used to rotate your core faster through impact to the target. Faster core rotation will generate the clubhead speed you want, because distance comes from speed.
Jack Nicklaus believes that a good golf swing begins with good foot work. Creating more leverage in your swing – and consequently effortless power – starts with your feet. At the top of the swing you should be loading power and energy on the inside part of your right foot, specifically on the ball of the foot.
The inside part of the ball of the right foot is your action position. If you don’t have your weight set on the inside part of the ball of your foot at the top of your swing, you run the risk of a sway or reverse pivot.
Think of a baseball pitcher and the way they push off the rubber to hurl the ball over 90 mph. The same concept applies to distance and your golf swing. It is almost impossible to initiate the downswing with the lower body – where all good golf downswings start – if you can’t push to the front side with your feet.
Take your normal driver stance. Before swinging, turn your right heel out so that your right foot is “pigeon toed.” Square up your hips and keep a little flex in your right knee. Make a ¾ swing and pay attention to the tension that builds in the right leg. You will likely find that it is very easy to push towards the target with the lower body when the right foot is turned in a bit.
If you want to add more distance to your drives with effortless power, maintain your leverage position throughout your swing: like Archimedes, you will be able to move the world.